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3 easy steps to finding the best life coach

The coaching field is flooded. And many people are calling themselves life coaches now. So how do you choose the best coach for you? Here are some simple steps. 1. Ask if he or she offers a complimentary session. The best coaches will offer a free session so you can see if they are a good fit for you.You should not have to pay out your hard earned money before you get a chance to really understand what your coach can or cannot do for you. 2)Ask for their qualifications. Many people who got downsized from mid level management positions decided to hang a life coach sign on their door believing that their management experience so qualifies them It does not! At the very least, he or she should have a basic life coaching certification which is equivalent to an entry level cert.3) Look at their Google reviews. No matter who I am doing business with (in any industry), I always check the google reviews. If I see questionable reviews or no reviews I am very cautious. When I have hired people with multiple positive review, I have always had a good experience.


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