If you struggle with procrastination in spite of your best intentions, you are dealing with a very common problem. Many people find themselves procrastinating even when they are faced with desirable objectives and goals. You might wonder why you suddenly feel lethargic or unable to make decisions when you are faced with something that you have dreamt of achieving. It is important for you to understand that procrastination is not laziness, and a life coach can help you in this process.. The professionals at Premier NLP Life Coaching can help you to overcome procrastination by using neuro-linguistic programming techniques.
Causes of Procrastination
Procrastination is a byproduct of an internal struggle. Often, it is self-sabotaging behavior. You might come up with a list of reasons why you should put something off. Unfortunately, procrastination is commonly followed by negative feelings of shame as well as an increase in stress. This can make it harder to get back on track. Here are eight ways to overcome procrastination so you can achieve your goals.
1. Recognize the times when you are procrastinating
First, search for any valid conflicts that you might have that are leading to putting things off. After you have ruled out valid conflicts, it is important for you to be honest about whether you are actually procrastinating. If you are, recognize it.
2. Listen to your internal dialogue
In many cases, procrastination comes with an internal dialogue that is unhelpful. Pay attention to the dialogue and recognize negative self-talk in which you might be engaging. Change the language that is in your internal dialogue into encouraging and helpful language. Tell yourself that you are capable of doing what you are setting out to accomplish.
3. Manage your environment
If you surround yourself with distractions, it will be much easier for you to procrastinate. Don’t give your mind excuses to address other things around you. Put away your phone and turn off your social media and email. Keep your working environment tidy and organized, and keep the television turned off. Set up your working area with the materials that you will need ahead of time.
4. Focus on the why of what you are doing
It is easy to try to avoid an arduous task. However, you can combat that problem by reminding yourself of why you want to accomplish your goal. Think about the reasons that you have wanted to complete the task. Imagine how relieved you will feel when it is completed.
5. Work on one chunk at a time
If you are trying to complete a large project, it is important for you to break it into manageable chunks. It is easy to be overwhelmed when you are facing a huge volume of work.
When you break a large project into smaller tasks, you can focus on only completing the chunk on which you are working. This can help you to break through any intimidation that you might feel so that you can get started. It also can allow you to be able to celebrate the smaller accomplishments that you experience on the way to completing the entire project.
6. Be realistic
If you have a tendency to be a perfectionist, it can lead you to procrastinate. Avoid thinking that you cannot begin your project until the situational and environmental factors are ideal. You should also avoid holding yourself to overly high standards.
When you let go of expectations that are unrealistic, it will be easier to get started. Set achievable goals and milestones that are manageable, and be realistic with the time that it will take.
7. Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past
Do not beat yourself up over times in the past during which you have procrastinated. Instead, take a look at the behaviors or motivations that were behind your procrastination, and move beyond them.
8. Find an accountability friend
If you work well with some external motivation, find a friend who is willing to be an accountability partner. Tell your friend about your intentions towards reaching your goal, and ask him or her to check in with you on your progress. Make certain to let your friend know that you would only welcome encouragement instead of shaming.
Make it fun
In addition to changing your language about the tasks that you have ahead of you, you should include frequent breaks during which you can relax. Give yourself a reward for the accomplishments that you have made. By frequently rewarding yourself, you will give yourself something to look forward to throughout the process.
Contact Premier NLP Life Coaching
At Premier Life Coaching, we recognize that most people struggle with procrastination. By using neuro-linguistic programming, we can give you the techniques you need to break through the wall. Fill out our online contact form to get started today.